Workshops in this years ECCC
Organized by CavX students

Science communication for young researchers
“One Cannot Not Communicate” – Paul Watzlawick.
It is human nature to communicate one’s thoughts, worries and desires to the world. As scientists we have the responsibility to take care in doing so to encourage a more balanced public debate on the issue of research. This workshop prepares young researchers how to express themselves more clearly to the public in a way that misinterpretations by the audience are kept to a minimum. The aim is to equip PhD students with the courage and self-confidence necessary to talk about their field of research in different settings.
The course will be held by Heike Wamser (ZPF Education and Training Center, Technical University of Munich, Germany), an academic lecturer and expert on science communication and change management. She will elaborate on the necessity of science communication as well as the basic techniques and mistakes that can happen by giving contemporary examples of such. Most importantly, students will get the chance to try out the newly acquired knowledge in the “hands-on” training sessions in small groups.
Tudesday, May 24, 16:00-19:00 (4-7pm)
Bringing life science ideas into the realm of bioentrepreneurship
Scientific work does not stop at conference posters and manuscript submission, great ideas have to target publicity so as business community. The workshop held by Prof Andreas Laustsen aims to provide brief introduction for PhD students and early-stage postdocs how to drive to public new scientific ideas and results, develop and manage projects and companies in the life science field.
Our presenter beside his academic position has direct business experience through his university spin-off enterprises, gaining sufficient knowledge to share with scientist at their early phase of career.
Friday, May 27, 18:00 (6pm)
Only junior researchers are eligible to participate. The workshop is free of charge; however, registration is required as a limited number of spots is available!